digraph _ n. A pair of letters representing a single speech sound, such as the ‘ch’ in chiessa.

dígrafo_Signo ortografico compuesto de dos letras que representan un solo sonido, como ‘ch’ in chiessa

Led by Dennis Antonio Chiessa, AIA, ch_studio is an architecture and design practice searching for authenticity through collaboration. 

Dennis is an architect and Assistant Professor of Architecture at The University of Texas at Arlington. Through creative practice, research, and teaching, he examines the impact of design on underrepresented, underserved, and underinvested communities.

Dennis’ work has been exhibited in venues across Texas, at the Amarillo Museum of Art, The Fort Worth Community Arts Center, The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, and the Venice Architecture Biennale.  His work received First Place in the Tandy Hills Pavilion Design Competition and the Real Stories Design Competition, design Awards from AIA-Fort Worth, and Enlaces juried exhibitions in Dallas. Dennis received the Young Professional Award and the President’s Award from AIA-Fort Worth and the Associate of the Year award from the Texas Society of Architects.

Dennis is the recipient of several research grants, including a UTA_CAPPA Water and Human Settlements Grant for ‘North of the Island’ to research the impact of development on the Latino community of Fort Worth; a Research Enhancement Grant for ‘Housing the Working Class’ a research project to study the housing types and their relationship to labor within Fort Worth’s Historic North Side; and a Conference and Workshop Grant for the Advancement of Diversity for “Open City: Equity in Planning and Design for Neighborhoods Under Neglect.”  Dennis received the 2021 Stewardson Keefe LeBrun Grant to study Mayan and Garifuna settlements in Mexico and Central America.

Dennis has served as Chair of Latinos in Architecture of AIA-Fort Worth and as a member of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committees at the Texas Society of Architects, the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs at UTA, and AIA-Fort Worth. Through his advocacy for the Latino community, he has designed and organized exhibitions, lectures, and events that celebrate and promote Latino contributions to design practice, education, and the built environment.